
  • What's in The Box?

    Nature Box has everything in it you need to make your garden wildlife friendly. A bird box for birds to nest and roost in, a bug hotel to make home...
  • The Seed Bomb

    Flower Power is what your garden and estate really needs! Flowers will provide life giving nectar to insects like bumble bees and butterflies. And ...
  • The Bird Box

    Your bird box is for blue tits, great tits, house sparrows and if you have them in the area pied flycatchers, tree sparrows and nuthatch and coal t...
  • The Bird Feeder

    This bird feeder is for a mixed seed feed designed to attract the widest range of birds. It’s made from metal to reduce plastic waste. You can expe...
  • The Insect House

      Insects are a vital part of every garden ecosystem. They’re needed to pollinate flowers, keep down unwanted pests, and provide a good source of ...
  • Your Pond Voucher

    Just add water….Ponds are probably the greatest thing you can do for nature in your garden or on your estate. They will provide a home for frogs, d...